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Tips to Set Up A Cozy Guest Room for the Holidays

Tips to Set Up A Cozy Guest Room for the Holidays

The holidays are coming and for many of us, that means hosting out-of-town guests as family and friends gather to celebrate this special time of year. Whether you have a dedicated guest room or a simple air mattress in an at-home office, it’s always thoughtful to welcome visiting guests to a cozy and restful space where they can feel at home. Here are a few ways you can easily spruce up your guest room that will make your company feel welcome!

Luxurious Bedding

Let’s start with the most important – creating an environment that promotes a great night’s sleep! There’s nothing worse as a guest than tossing and turning all night because you’re uncomfortable. Start with beautifully soft bedding and a mid-weight blanket and then add a thick duvet and a few fluffy sleeping pillows. I also like to keep a throw or extra blanket within easy reach of the bed, in case a guest gets cold at night.

You may also want to add a couple of decorative pillows as an accent, but it’s also a good idea to have either a chair or basket nearby so that guests don’t feel like they don’t have anywhere to put the pillows except on the floor.


If you truly want your guests to feel pampered, have a special dedicated set of guest towels that you and your family don’t use. This way, the towels will stay extra soft for when you do have guests come to visit, just as if they were staying in a 5-star hotel. White towels are always a great choice because they look luxurious and are easy to launder. Our Lago towels are available in white (and gray, for a neutral tone) and the bath sheet size is extra indulgent.

To really create the hotel experience, it’s a nice touch to place a warm robe and a pair of slippers in the bathroom for your guests. Even if they don’t use them, they will appreciate the care you took in making them feel welcome.

The Essentials

You know how it is – everyone forgets to pack at least one thing when they travel. We’ve all left our toothbrush or toothpaste behind once or twice! Fill a basket with some travel-size essentials such as soap, shampoo, lotion and a washcloth and place it on the nightstand or inside one of the dresser drawers. In addition to the basics, make sure to add a pain reliever, some band-aids, and some earplugs. You could even add a few perfume samples to try. Other practical items to consider are pens, paper, scissors, cell phone charger, and a hair dryer.

Don’t forget tissues and a wastebasket nearby. You’d be surprised how many homes I’ve stayed in where there is no trash, so make sure guests have a place to toss things. And if you want to be extra thoughtful, make sure to empty their trash every day.

Hanging Space

If at all possible, clean out the guest room closet or at least a part of it so guests can hang their clothes. Don’t forget to supply nice hangers too! If guests stay more than a night, I like to have two empty drawers in a dresser that they can put their clothes in. Living out of a suitcase for days on end can be a hassle.

Clear Out

As a general rule, keep most personal items out of this space. Guest rooms should have a very fresh and clean look with some open space. Guests can fill up a room quickly with their own belongings, so you don’t want lots of décor or personal photos cluttering up the room. A nice light and side table are a basic essential. Many people like to read before they go to sleep, and having a lighting option besides overhead is helpful.

If you have space, include a luggage rack or bench in the room for guests to set down their suitcases.

The Extras

Once you have the basics covered, true hospitality is in the details. I like having a little tray of goodies for my guests. Even if I tell them to help themselves to the pantry and fridge, many choose not to, so having a few things to snack on in the room may make them feel more comfortable. A dish of apples not only adds a pop of color, but also puts healthful snacks within guests' easy reach.

A little bowl for jewelry or a wallet and keys on the nightstand also ensures guests won’t lose their personal belongings. A few notecards and a pen on the nightstand are great if guests need to jot down a thought in the middle of the night. Flowers or greenery is a nice finishing touch to your guest room too. Even an inexpensive $5 bouquet from the grocery store or some clippings from your yard will make your guests smile (and they are the universal sign of welcome).

All the Info

Save your guests the trouble of asking for information such as how to operate the security system or what the Wi-Fi password is. You could put this in a little folder for them. It’s also a nice touch to provide them with some local area maps, brochures, and directions to key attractions.

A Set of Keys

Be sure to have a spare set of keys made specifically for guests to use while staying with you so they have a little bit more flexibility and freedom to explore.

Festive Touches

Since guests are visiting for the holidays, why not add a little touch of festive cheer to their room? It’ll be a fun surprise and make them feel extra welcome and jolly! For example, place a small decorated tree on a table or in a corner or hang a wreath or holiday banner on the door.

No matter what your space consists of, taking these extra steps to create a thoughtful space will be appreciated by your guests and ensure return visits. Tell us in the comments your favorite tips for making your guests feel at home!

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